', for example 'forced-> cp1251', encoding tables in the reconstruction will be forcibly replaced by cp1251 // You can also specify comparison of the right to suit 'cp1251_ukrainian_ci' or 'forced-> cp1251_ukrainian_ci' define('RESTORE_CHARSET', 'latin1'); // Include your persistence and the latest action // To turn set 0 define('SC', 1); // Types tables have been maintained only structure separated semicolon define('ONLY_CREATE', 'MRG_MyISAM,MERGE,HEAP,MEMORY'); // Global statistics // To turn set 0 define('GS', 1); // Forward does not need editing $is_safe_mode = ini_get('safe_mode') == '1' ? 1 : 0; if (!$is_safe_mode && function_exists('set_time_limit')) set_time_limit(TIME_LIMIT); $timer = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())); ob_implicit_flush(); error_reporting(E_ALL); $auth = 0; $error = ''; if (!empty($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) { if (@mysql_connect(DBHOST, $_POST['login'], $_POST['pass'])){ setcookie("sxd", base64_encode("SKD101:{$_POST['login']}:{$_POST['pass']}")); header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); mysql_close(); exit; } else{ $error = '#' . mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error(); } } elseif (!empty($_COOKIE['sxd'])) { $user = explode(":", base64_decode($_COOKIE['sxd'])); if (@mysql_connect(DBHOST, $user[1], $user[2])){ $auth = 1; } else{ $error = '#' . mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error(); } } if (!$auth || (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'reload')) { echo tpl_page(tpl_auth($error ? tpl_error($error) : ''), ""); echo ""; exit; } if (!file_exists(PATH) && !$is_safe_mode) { mkdir(PATH, 0777) || trigger_error("Unable to create a directory for printer ", E_USER_ERROR); } $SK = new dumper(); define('C_DEFAULT', 1); define('C_RESULT', 2); define('C_ERROR', 3); define('C_WARNING', 4); $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ''; switch($action){ case 'backup': $SK->backup(); break; case 'restore': $SK->restore(); break; default: $SK->main(); } mysql_close(); echo ""; class dumper { function dumper() { if (file_exists(PATH . "dumper.cfg.php")) { include(PATH . "dumper.cfg.php"); } else{ $this->SET['last_action'] = 0; $this->SET['last_db_backup'] = ''; $this->SET['tables'] = ''; $this->SET['comp_method'] = 2; $this->SET['comp_level'] = 7; $this->SET['last_db_restore'] = ''; } $this->tabs = 0; $this->records = 0; $this->size = 0; $this->comp = 0; // MySQL type 40101 preg_match("/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/", mysql_get_server_info(), $m); $this->mysql_version = sprintf("%d%02d%02d", $m[1], $m[2], $m[3]); $this->only_create = explode(',', ONLY_CREATE); $this->forced_charset = false; $this->restore_charset = $this->restore_collate = ''; if (preg_match("/^(forced->)?(([a-z0-9]+)(\_\w+)?)$/", RESTORE_CHARSET, $matches)) { $this->forced_charset = $matches[1] == 'forced->'; $this->restore_charset = $matches[3]; $this->restore_collate = !empty($matches[4]) ? ' COLLATE ' . $matches[2] : ''; } } function backup() { if (!isset($_POST)) {$this->main();} set_error_handler("SXD_errorHandler"); $buttons = "   "; echo tpl_page(tpl_process("Xin vui lòng chờ đợi trong giây lát... "), $buttons); $this->SET['last_action'] = 0; $this->SET['last_db_backup'] = isset($_POST['db_backup']) ? $_POST['db_backup'] : ''; $this->SET['tables_exclude'] = !empty($_POST['tables']) && $_POST['tables']{0} == '^' ? 1 : 0; $this->SET['tables'] = isset($_POST['tables']) ? $_POST['tables'] : ''; $this->SET['comp_method'] = isset($_POST['comp_method']) ? intval($_POST['comp_method']) : 0; $this->SET['comp_level'] = isset($_POST['comp_level']) ? intval($_POST['comp_level']) : 0; $this->fn_save(); $this->SET['tables'] = explode(",", $this->SET['tables']); if (!empty($_POST['tables'])) { foreach($this->SET['tables'] AS $table){ $table = preg_replace("/[^\w*?^]/", "", $table); $pattern = array( "/\?/", "/\*/"); $replace = array( ".", ".*?"); $tbls[] = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $table); } } else{ $this->SET['tables_exclude'] = 1; } if ($this->SET['comp_level'] == 0) { $this->SET['comp_method'] = 0; } $db = $this->SET['last_db_backup']; if (!$db) { echo tpl_l("ERROR! No database!", C_ERROR); echo tpl_enableBack(); exit; } echo tpl_l("Đang kết nối cơ sở dữ liệu."); mysql_select_db($db) or trigger_error ("Unable to select database.
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); $tables = array(); $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES"); $all = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $status = 0; if (!empty($tbls)) { foreach($tbls AS $table){ $exclude = preg_match("/^\^/", $table) ? true : false; if (!$exclude) { if (preg_match("/^{$table}$/i", $row[0])) { $status = 1; } $all = 1; } if ($exclude && preg_match("/{$table}$/i", $row[0])) { $status = -1; } } } else { $status = 1; } if ($status >= $all) { $tables[] = $row[0]; } } $tabs = count($tables); // Determination of tables $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS"); $tabinfo = array(); $tab_charset = array(); $tab_type = array(); $tabinfo[0] = 0; $info = ''; while($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ //print_r($item); if(in_array($item['Name'], $tables)) { $item['Rows'] = empty($item['Rows']) ? 0 : $item['Rows']; $tabinfo[0] += $item['Rows']; $tabinfo[$item['Name']] = $item['Rows']; $this->size += $item['Data_length']; $tabsize[$item['Name']] = 1 + round(LIMIT * 1048576 / ($item['Avg_row_length'] + 1)); if($item['Rows']) $info .= "|" . $item['Rows']; if (!empty($item['Collation']) && preg_match("/^([a-z0-9]+)_/i", $item['Collation'], $m)) { $tab_charset[$item['Name']] = $m[1]; } $tab_type[$item['Name']] = isset($item['Engine']) ? $item['Engine'] : $item['Type']; } } $show = 10 + $tabinfo[0] / 50; $info = $tabinfo[0] . $info; $name = $db . '_' . date("Y-m-d_H-i"); $fp = $this->fn_open($name, "w"); echo tpl_l("Bắt đầu tạo tên cơ sở dữ liệu :
\\n - {$this->filename}"); $this->fn_write($fp, "#SKD101|{$db}|{$tabs}|" . date("Y.m.d H:i:s") ."|{$info}\n\n"); $t=0; echo tpl_l(str_repeat("-", 60)); $result = mysql_query("SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1"); // Encoding connections by default if ($this->mysql_version > 40101 && CHARSET != 'auto') { mysql_query("SET NAMES '" . CHARSET . "'") or trigger_error ("Cannot set the encoding for the connection.
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); $last_charset = CHARSET; } else{ $last_charset = ''; } foreach ($tables AS $table){ // Bill encoding connecting the encoding tables if ($this->mysql_version > 40101 && $tab_charset[$table] != $last_charset) { if (CHARSET == 'auto') { mysql_query("SET NAMES '" . $tab_charset[$table] . "'") or trigger_error ("Cannot set the encoding for the connection.
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); echo tpl_l("Using encoding `" . $tab_charset[$table] . "`.", C_WARNING); $last_charset = $tab_charset[$table]; } else{ echo tpl_l('Encoding connections, and the table does not match:', C_ERROR); echo tpl_l('Table `'. $table .'` -> ' . $tab_charset[$table] . ' (Connection ' . CHARSET . ')', C_ERROR); } } echo tpl_l("Processing Table`{$table}` [" . fn_int($tabinfo[$table]) . "]."); // Creating tables $result = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$table}`"); $tab = mysql_fetch_array($result); $tab = preg_replace('/(default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP|DEFAULT CHARSET=\w+|COLLATE=\w+|character set \w+|collate \w+)/i', '/*!40101 \\1 */', $tab); $this->fn_write($fp, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$table}`;\n{$tab[1]};\n\n"); // Checking whether dampit data if (in_array($tab_type[$table], $this->only_create)) { continue; } // Oprededelyaem types of columns $NumericColumn = array(); $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$table}`"); $field = 0; while($col = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $NumericColumn[$field++] = preg_match("/^(\w*int|year)/", $col[1]) ? 1 : 0; } $fields = $field; $from = 0; $limit = $tabsize[$table]; $limit2 = round($limit / 3); if ($tabinfo[$table] > 0) { if ($tabinfo[$table] > $limit2) { echo tpl_s(0, $t / $tabinfo[0]); } $i = 0; $this->fn_write($fp, "INSERT INTO `{$table}` VALUES"); while(($result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `{$table}` LIMIT {$from}, {$limit}")) && ($total = mysql_num_rows($result))){ while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $i++; $t++; for($k = 0; $k < $fields; $k++){ if ($NumericColumn[$k]) $row[$k] = isset($row[$k]) ? $row[$k] : "NULL"; else $row[$k] = isset($row[$k]) ? "'" . mysql_escape_string($row[$k]) . "'" : "NULL"; } $this->fn_write($fp, ($i == 1 ? "" : ",") . "\n(" . implode(", ", $row) . ")"); if ($i % $limit2 == 0) echo tpl_s($i / $tabinfo[$table], $t / $tabinfo[0]); } mysql_free_result($result); if ($total < $limit) { break; } $from += $limit; } $this->fn_write($fp, ";\n\n"); echo tpl_s(1, $t / $tabinfo[0]);} } $this->tabs = $tabs; $this->records = $tabinfo[0]; $this->comp = $this->SET['comp_method'] * 10 + $this->SET['comp_level']; echo tpl_s(1, 1); echo tpl_l(str_repeat("-", 60)); $this->fn_close($fp); echo tpl_l("Quá trình xử lý cơ sở dữ liệu `{$db}` đã thành công.", C_RESULT); echo tpl_l("Size of DB : " . round($this->size / 1048576, 2) . ".", C_RESULT); $filesize = round(filesize(PATH . $this->filename) / 1048576, 2) . "."; echo tpl_l("Size of file : {$filesize}", C_RESULT); echo tpl_l("Tables processed : {$tabs}", C_RESULT); echo tpl_l("Lines processed : " . fn_int($tabinfo[0]), C_RESULT); echo ""; // Data Transfer for global statistics if (GS) echo ""; } function restore(){ if (!isset($_POST)) {$this->main();} set_error_handler("SXD_errorHandler"); $buttons = ""; echo tpl_page(tpl_process("Restoring database backup"), $buttons); $this->SET['last_action'] = 1; $this->SET['last_db_restore'] = isset($_POST['db_restore']) ? $_POST['db_restore'] : ''; $file = isset($_POST['file']) ? $_POST['file'] : ''; $this->fn_save(); $db = $this->SET['last_db_restore']; if (!$db) { echo tpl_l("ERROR! No database!", C_ERROR); echo tpl_enableBack(); exit; } echo tpl_l("Đang kết nối cơ sở dữ liệu `{$db}`."); mysql_select_db($db) or trigger_error ("Unable to select database. .
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); // Definition file format if(preg_match("/^(.+?)\.sql(\.(bz2|gz))?$/", $file, $matches)) { if (isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] == 'bz2') { $this->SET['comp_method'] = 2; } elseif (isset($matches[2]) &&$matches[3] == 'gz'){ $this->SET['comp_method'] = 1; } else{ $this->SET['comp_method'] = 0; } $this->SET['comp_level'] = ''; if (!file_exists(PATH . "/{$file}")) { echo tpl_l("ERROR! File Not Found! !", C_ERROR); echo tpl_enableBack(); exit; } echo tpl_l("Reading File`{$file}`."); $file = $matches[1]; } else{ echo tpl_l("ERROR! No file selected(", C_ERROR); echo tpl_enableBack(); exit; } echo tpl_l(str_repeat("-", 60)); $fp = $this->fn_open($file, "r"); $this->file_cache = $sql = $table = $insert = ''; $is_skd = $query_len = $execute = $q =$t = $i = $aff_rows = 0; $limit = 300; $index = 4; $tabs = 0; $cache = ''; $info = array(); // Setting coding connections if ($this->mysql_version > 40101 && (CHARSET != 'auto' || $this->forced_charset)) { // Encryption by default if the dump was not encoded mysql_query("SET NAMES '" . $this->restore_charset . "'") or trigger_error ("Cannot set the encoding for the connection.
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); echo tpl_l("Using encoding `" . $this->restore_charset . "`.", C_WARNING); $last_charset = $this->restore_charset; } else { $last_charset = ''; } $last_showed = ''; while(($str = $this->fn_read_str($fp)) !== false){ if (empty($str) || preg_match("/^(#|--)/", $str)) { if (!$is_skd && preg_match("/^#SKD101\|/", $str)) { $info = explode("|", $str); echo tpl_s(0, $t / $info[4]); $is_skd = 1; } continue; } $query_len += strlen($str); if (!$insert && preg_match("/^(INSERT INTO `?([^` ]+)`? .*?VALUES)(.*)$/i", $str, $m)) { if ($table != $m[2]) { $table = $m[2]; $tabs++; $cache .= tpl_l("Table `{$table}`."); $last_showed = $table; $i = 0; if ($is_skd) echo tpl_s(100 , $t / $info[4]); } $insert = $m[1] . ' '; $sql .= $m[3]; $index++; $info[$index] = isset($info[$index]) ? $info[$index] : 0; $limit = round($info[$index] / 20); $limit = $limit < 300 ? 300 : $limit; if ($info[$index] > $limit){ echo $cache; $cache = ''; echo tpl_s(0 / $info[$index], $t / $info[4]); } } else{ $sql .= $str; if ($insert) { $i++; $t++; if ($is_skd && $info[$index] > $limit && $t % $limit == 0){ echo tpl_s($i / $info[$index], $t / $info[4]); } } } if (!$insert && preg_match("/^CREATE TABLE (IF NOT EXISTS )?`?([^` ]+)`?/i", $str, $m) && $table != $m[2]){ $table = $m[2]; $insert = ''; $tabs++; $is_create = true; $i = 0; } if ($sql) { if (preg_match("/;$/", $str)) { $sql = rtrim($insert . $sql, ";"); if (empty($insert)) { if ($this->mysql_version < 40101) { $sql = preg_replace("/ENGINE\s?=/", "TYPE=", $sql); } elseif (preg_match("/CREATE TABLE/i", $sql)){ // Bill encoding connections if (preg_match("/(CHARACTER SET|CHARSET)[=\s]+(\w+)/i", $sql, $charset)) { if (!$this->forced_charset && $charset[2] != $last_charset) { if (CHARSET == 'auto') { mysql_query("SET NAMES '" . $charset[2] . "'") or trigger_error ("Cannot set the encoding for the connection.
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); $cache .= tpl_l("Using encoding `" . $charset[2] . "`.", C_WARNING); $last_charset = $charset[2]; } else{ $cache .= tpl_l('Encoding connections, and the table does not match :', C_ERROR); $cache .= tpl_l('Table `'. $table .'` -> ' . $charset[2] . ' (Connection ' . $this->restore_charset . ')', C_ERROR); } } // Changing encoding if the rush encoding if ($this->forced_charset) { $sql = preg_replace("/(\/\*!\d+\s)?((COLLATE)[=\s]+)\w+(\s+\*\/)?/i", '', $sql); $sql = preg_replace("/((CHARACTER SET|CHARSET)[=\s]+)\w+/i", "\\1" . $this->restore_charset . $this->restore_collate, $sql); } } elseif(CHARSET == 'auto'){ // Run encoding table if it is not specified and installed auto encoding $sql .= ' DEFAULT CHARSET=' . $this->restore_charset . $this->restore_collate; if ($this->restore_charset != $last_charset) { mysql_query("SET NAMES '" . $this->restore_charset . "'") or trigger_error ("Cannot set the encoding for the connection.
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); $cache .= tpl_l("Using encoding `" . $this->restore_charset . "`.", C_WARNING); $last_charset = $this->restore_charset; } } } if ($last_showed != $table) {$cache .= tpl_l("Table `{$table}`."); $last_showed = $table;} } elseif($this->mysql_version > 40101 && empty($last_charset)) { // Install encoding for the absence CREATE TABLE mysql_query("SET $this->restore_charset '" . $this->restore_charset . "'") or trigger_error ("Cannot set the encoding for the connection.
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); echo tpl_l("Using encoding `" . $this->restore_charset . "`.", C_WARNING); $last_charset = $this->restore_charset; } $insert = ''; $execute = 1; } if ($query_len >= 65536 && preg_match("/,$/", $str)) { $sql = rtrim($insert . $sql, ","); $execute = 1; } if ($execute) { $q++; mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error ("Bad request.
" . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); if (preg_match("/^insert/i", $sql)) { $aff_rows += mysql_affected_rows(); } $sql = ''; $query_len = 0; $execute = 0; } } } echo $cache; echo tpl_s(1 , 1); echo tpl_l(str_repeat("-", 60)); echo tpl_l("DB restored from a backup.", C_RESULT); if (isset($info[3])) echo tpl_l("Established copies: {$info[3]}", C_RESULT); echo tpl_l("Queries to DB: {$q}", C_RESULT); echo tpl_l("Tables set up: {$tabs}", C_RESULT); echo tpl_l("Lines added: {$aff_rows}", C_RESULT); $this->tabs = $tabs; $this->records = $aff_rows; $this->size = filesize(PATH . $this->filename); $this->comp = $this->SET['comp_method'] * 10 + $this->SET['comp_level']; echo ""; // Data Transfer for global statistics if (GS) echo ""; $this->fn_close($fp); } function main(){ $this->comp_levels = array('9' => 'Level 9 (Cao nhất)', '8' => 'Level 8', '7' => 'Level 7', '6' => 'Level 6', '5' => 'Level 5 (Trung bình)', '4' => 'Level 4', '3' => 'Level 3', '2' => 'Level 2', '1' => 'Level 1 (Bình thường)','0' => 'Không tối ưu hóa '); if (function_exists("bzopen")) { $this->comp_methods[2] = 'BZip2'; } if (function_exists("gzopen")) { $this->comp_methods[1] = 'GZip'; } $this->comp_methods[0] = 'No compression'; if (count($this->comp_methods) == 1) { $this->comp_levels = array('0' =>'No compression'); } $dbs = $this->db_select(); $this->vars['db_backup'] = $this->fn_select($dbs, $this->SET['last_db_backup']); $this->vars['db_restore'] = $this->fn_select($dbs, $this->SET['last_db_restore']); $this->vars['comp_levels'] = $this->fn_select($this->comp_levels, $this->SET['comp_level']); $this->vars['comp_methods'] = $this->fn_select($this->comp_methods, $this->SET['comp_method']); $this->vars['tables'] = $this->SET['tables']; $this->vars['files'] = $this->fn_select($this->file_select(), ''); $buttons = ""; echo tpl_page(tpl_main(), $buttons); } function db_select(){ if (DBNAMES != '') { $items = explode(',', trim(DBNAMES)); foreach($items AS $item){ if (mysql_select_db($item)) { $tables = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES"); if ($tables) { $tabs = mysql_num_rows($tables); $dbs[$item] = "{$item} ({$tabs})"; } } } } else { $result = mysql_query("SHOW DATABASES"); $dbs = array(); while($item = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if (mysql_select_db($item[0])) { $tables = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES"); if ($tables) { $tabs = mysql_num_rows($tables); $dbs[$item[0]] = "{$item[0]} ({$tabs})"; } } } } return $dbs; } function file_select(){ $files = array('' => ' '); if (is_dir(PATH) && $handle = opendir(PATH)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match("/^.+?\.sql(\.(gz|bz2))?$/", $file)) { $files[$file] = $file; } } closedir($handle); } ksort($files); return $files; } function fn_open($name, $mode){ if ($this->SET['comp_method'] == 2) { $this->filename = "{$name}.sql.bz2"; return bzopen(PATH . $this->filename, "{$mode}b{$this->SET['comp_level']}"); } elseif ($this->SET['comp_method'] == 1) { $this->filename = "{$name}.sql.gz"; return gzopen(PATH . $this->filename, "{$mode}b{$this->SET['comp_level']}"); } else{ $this->filename = "{$name}.sql"; return fopen(PATH . $this->filename, "{$mode}b"); } } function fn_write($fp, $str){ if ($this->SET['comp_method'] == 2) { bzwrite($fp, $str); } elseif ($this->SET['comp_method'] == 1) { gzwrite($fp, $str); } else{ fwrite($fp, $str); } } function fn_read($fp){ if ($this->SET['comp_method'] == 2) { return bzread($fp, 4096); } elseif ($this->SET['comp_method'] == 1) { return gzread($fp, 4096); } else{ return fread($fp, 4096); } } function fn_read_str($fp){ $string = ''; $this->file_cache = ltrim($this->file_cache); $pos = strpos($this->file_cache, "\n", 0); if ($pos < 1) { while (!$string && ($str = $this->fn_read($fp))){ $pos = strpos($str, "\n", 0); if ($pos === false) { $this->file_cache .= $str; } else{ $string = $this->file_cache . substr($str, 0, $pos); $this->file_cache = substr($str, $pos + 1); } } if (!$str) { if ($this->file_cache) { $string = $this->file_cache; $this->file_cache = ''; return trim($string); } return false; } } else { $string = substr($this->file_cache, 0, $pos); $this->file_cache = substr($this->file_cache, $pos + 1); } return trim($string); } function fn_close($fp){ if ($this->SET['comp_method'] == 2) { bzclose($fp); } elseif ($this->SET['comp_method'] == 1) { gzclose($fp); } else{ fclose($fp); } @chmod(PATH . $this->filename, 0666); $this->fn_index(); } function fn_select($items, $selected){ $select = ''; foreach($items AS $key => $value){ $select .= $key == $selected ? "